Current street view with architects render displays before and future.
Current street view against architects render displays before and future.

APPROVED! August 2019

Adin Lang
3 min readAug 19, 2019

Revision to Local Planning Policy is starting to bear fruit at the City of Fremantle, with a new development at 214 South Street being unanimously approved at Planning Committee — a development such as this would not have been possible two years ago.

The new development — 214 South Street

The application sought approval for additions and alterations to an existing commercial building at 214 South Street, White Gum Valley. The proposed development will create a new mixed use building within the Beaconsfield — White Gum Valley Town Centre. Works include:

  1. The addition of five multiple dwellings (apartments).

2. Additions to the front of the existing building to establish a two storey shop tenancy.

This development was only made possible due to a strategic revision of the planning policy within the Beaconsfield — White Gum Valley Town Centre. The revision was presented to council in December 2017 and unanimously supported.

East elevation of new building.

The revised Local Planning Policy

The revised policy applies to the local centre areas of Beaconsfield (the commercial area on both sides of Central Avenue to Fifth Avenue) and White Gum Valley (the commercial area on both sides of Yalgoo Avenue to Stokes Street) which face one another across South Street as seen below.

Displays local centre area which was subject to revised planning policy.

The scheme amendment increased the development potential of the area to R100 residential density and three or four storey height where specific criteria are met. The purpose of the policy revision is to ensure that new development enhances the character of the area while providing high levels of public realm engagement along the South Street — which has been part of a broader strategic transport plan.

South Street Transport Route

South Street has been earmarked as a future rapid transit route within a number of state government strategic planning documents and in the City’s Integrated Transport Strategy. South Street connects important leisure, health and education services and passenger rail infrastructure located in the Fremantle and Murdoch activity centres. Council is focused on South Street as a corridor appropriate for more intensive mixed use redevelopment with an emphasis on the delivery of population growth along a key public transport route, a core principle of providing for Perth’s future population.

Three nodes along South Street were identified as suitable locations for more intensive mixed-use redevelopment to help create vibrant, attractive and sustainable local communities:

  1. Hilton Local Centre — Scheme Amendment №64

2. White Gum Valley/Beaconsfield Local Centre — Scheme Amendment №65

3. South Street and Hampton Road intersection — Scheme Amendment №66

Displays three strategic development nodes along South Street.

For more information, please see our August Planning Agenda here:



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